I'm a recent Computer Engineering graduate from Western University with a passion for web development, AI, and electronics. Alongside my technical interests, I enjoy staying active by going to the gym, indulging in gaming, and channeling my creativity into building keyboards.

Hello There...

I'm Shrikant Banerjee



Automation Engineer
PwC Canada
BESc - Computer Engineering (Software Ubiquitous)
Western University

During my amazing journey through college engineering, I got to experience so many incredible things that truly shaped who I am today. Working on numerous projects was such a rewarding experience. I learned so much, not just about engineering but also about myself – problem-solving, thinking critically, and working with others. It was amazing to see these projects come to life and see how they could make a real difference. The courses I took exposed me to a wide range of concepts, and I was blown away by how much I learned and grew. Beyond all the technical stuff, college helped me become a more confident and adaptable person, ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.

Notable Courses:
Advanced Digital Signal Processing | Biomedical Systems Analysis
Computer System Design | Embedded System Design | Control Systems
Embedded System Design | Information Security | Cloud Computing
Networking Principals, Protocols & Architecture | Web Technologies

I played a pivotal role in developing and implementing a comprehensive suite of automation tests for a major client software, covering testing, data management, maintenance, and performance optimizations. These tests ensured regular backend API health checks, including vital client information. Collaborating with an Agile team, we executed rigorous regression, performance, and validation testing on various products, resulting in a remarkable 15% reduction in post-release defects. Additionally, I made significant contributions by enhancing and optimizing legacy tests on Azure Pipelines, reducing load stress, and improving test timings.

C# | .NET | JavaScript | Selenium | SpecFlow | REST | POSTMAN | Azure

Let's Chat :)

Feel free to reach out to ask any questions, I don't bite :)
